citi & United Way of east tn highlands giving campaign
Our vision is a community where opportunities are available for every child to succeed in school and for every family to achieve financial security.
United Way brings people and resources together to address immediate needs and finds long-term solutions to challenging problems.
We do this by investing in programs and services, leading community change initiatives, and mobilizing resources and volunteers to ensure that:
– Children succeed in school;
– People get jobs and are financially secure;
– People are healthy; and,
– Basic needs are met during tough times.
We don’t do it alone and we can’t do it without you! Please join us.
Fair Share Givers
Fair Share is the most common gift. It means giving 1-hour of pay per month. Essentially, you’re donating one hour of your time each month to provide a meal to a child, to provide shelter for someone experiencing domestic violence, and to help someone receive mental health care.
Leadership Givers
Leadership Givers understand the importance of giving back to the community they live in. These donors demonstrate their commitment to addressing crucial health, education and financial stability needs through their contributions ($42/month or $500/year). Through their generous giving, they are leading the community in creating sustainable change and enriching the lives of those who call it home. Leadership givers will receive a print from a local artist to show our appreciation for their commitment to helping us build a stronger community.